FAQ for Dotnoc hosting and Managed services
For more information you can reach us at 604.518.6695
How long will it take to set up my server?:
Your server setup will begin within 48 hours of payment being recieved and verified!
Can I upgrade or change my hosting plan at a later stage?:
Yes you can! you can upgrade at any time but must pay the difference if changed mid way through your plan.
When I upgrade, do I have to pay a setup fee again?:
No, if you upgrade setup fees for the upgrade are waived
Can you customize my server?:
absolutely, Dotnoc offers a wide range of server consulting services.
What kind of servers do you have?:
We run Pentium III or pentium IV (or equivalent) class servers on custom secure Linux platforms
Is Dotnoc just a reseller host?:
Absolutly not, We run all our own servers and staff all our own technical support
representatives so we can provide you the absolute best service
Do you offer 24/7 technical support?:
Yes we offer top tier level of support to all our clients, Please read the terms and conditions
Can I pay by check or money order?:
yes you can please mail the cheque or money order to the address on the contact page
your account will not be setup until the cheque or money order is cleared
Your servers are Linux does it matter what operating system I use?:
Absolutely not, you can run any operating system and still be able to host with us and access your website 24/7
Can I get a bulk discount?:
Absolutely, our bulk discounts start in packages of 10 please contact sales for more information
Can I host a warez/mp3 site?:
No, at this time we do not allow warez or mp3 sites
Why does your orderform use 2checkout.com?:
2checkout.com is our secure third party transaction company, if you do not want to
be billed through a third party we can arrange alternative payment methods, just let us
Why does my invoices say 2checkout.com?:
2checkout.com is our secure third party transaction company, if you do not want to
be billed through a third party we can arrange alternative payment methods, just let us
Where can I learn more about your control panel?:
you can get more information here with screen shots to! Control panel page
Why all the setup fees for additional items?:
Other companys will try to spread out the fees over the whole time you are
hosting with the company, at dotnoc we only charge you a one time setup fee
and you are setup for the whole time you are hosting at DOTNOC! this saves
you a large amount of money in the long run.
Can I register a domain for more then 1 year?:
At this time we do not allow initial registrations for more then 1 year.
After the initial year of registration you may register the domain for
up to 10 years.
Is my domain safe from domain hijackers?:
Yes we put a lock on your domain as soon as it is registered. In order
to remove this lock you would have to send a request to support and then
reply to an email sent to the email address on the domain names records
in order for the domain to be unlocked.
I searched for a domain is it really available?:
Your domain that you searched for should be available. But due to the
Mass number of registrars registering names at the same time there is
no guarantee that your name will be available when our system tries
to register the domain name. In this case you will be fully refunded.
I dont understand some of the technical hosting terms?:
Please take a look at the Glossary of terms
How do I contact support?:
Just click on the 24x7 support logo on the top left corner of this page
or click on the "get support" option in the top menu
I cant login to my site admin page or webmail!:
Remember CAPITAL LETTERS do count in usernames and passwords please
contact technical support if you are still having problems.
How do I change my admin password?:
Login to your admin interface, click on the "Site Information" button
then click on "Change Administrator Info" change your password.
How do I transfer my domains to your servers?:
change your name servers to ns1.dotnoc.com and ns2.dotnoc.com
send and email to technical support letting us know you have done this.
Why cant I login to my ftp server?:
check in the site administrator that you have a valid user
reset the password of the user and try again.
Where do I put my webpages?:
After you login to your ftp site you can put your webpage in your
httpdocs directory
Where is my cgi-bin?:
you dont need a cgi-bin you can run cgi's in any folder. If you like
you can create a cgi-bin folder in your /httpdocs directory.
After I publish my site, none of the FrontPage extensions work:
Be sure you published your site using the FrontPage Web Publisher.
Regular FTP programs tend to corrupt the FrontPage extensions.
When I publish with FrontPage98, it places the files inside
my personal web folder:
We have encountered this problem on several occasions, and it has been
traced to a problem with the way FrontPage98 searches for the root web and
publishes files under certain configurations. The only solution is to upgrade
to FrontPage2000, which is the only solution to this problem so far.
Why does my email address send as me@www.mydomain.com?:
To fix this all you have to do is create a new profile in webmail
create the email address for this new profile to be you@yourdomain.com
then select this new profile as your default profile.
Why does it say User already exists when trying to create a new user?:
some other virtual site has used this username you can create a new unique user and alias
the username of choice to his/her email address.
How do I use the website administrator?:
after logging into the site admin click on the help link for further instructions on how to use the website administrator.
How do I use my E-Commerce storefront?
Oscommerce storefront is documented at oscdox.com you can read the easy to understand instructions:
Basic modifications Guide
Advanced Modification Guide
Administration Guide
why dont my cgi scripts work:
Check that your cgi scripts are chmod to 755
How does DOTNOC protect me from spam?:
The dotnoc mailservers use MAPS spam filters to black hole Open relays which are a top source of spam.
Where can I get dotinstant scripts?:
Please go to http://www.dotnoc.com/scripts.php
I need help with my control panel:
Check out the plesk flash tutorials!
Do you support Frontpage and .ASP?:
Yes we support Frontpage and the .ASP extention for linux also known
as Apache:ASP and Apache:Frontpage Note this is not Microsoft Frontpage
.ASP or .ASP.net but a port to the Apache web server for Frontpage
and .ASP. Apache:ASP (Active Server Pages) is a port to the Apache
Web Server and is for Perl scripting only.
Do you allow SMTP relaying?:
At this time we do not do SMTP relaying for any domains. You
may send email with the webmail interface. You may also
request to have your upstream Provider Relay mail for you.
Does DOTNOC do spam filtering?:
Yes we use the ordb.org open relay database to blacklist open
Do you allow POP or IMAP mail retrieval?:
Yes you can retrieve your email with any email retrieval
software with either pop3 or imap.
How do I setup my sitebuilder?:
If you have purchased the Advanced or Ultimate hosting plan
you must first install Mambo through the "application vault"
Located under your domain. after this you may access the site
builder interface through http://yourdomains.com/CMS/
How many years have you been in business?:
Our company has been in business over 8 years!
where are you located?:
We are located in Vancouver BC Canada, Please see the support page for more information.
Can I link to dotnoc.com?:
Yes you can! just visit our webpage banner page and choose a banner for your website!
How can I view your website best?:
This site best supports Internet Explorer 5+ at a screen resolution of 1024x768
Netscape Browsers 6+ are also supported but may format some parts of the page incorrectly.
What does DOTNOC actually stand for?:
The DOT as in dot com, the NOC is an actual acronym for Network Operations Center
*any other questions can be directed to technical support or sales